Tag: digital cinema camera

Sony FS7 Price Drop

Canon C500 Mark II at IBC 2019

Sony announces the FX9 camera with 6K Full-frame sensor

RED RANGER HELIUM and GEMINI now available to buy

Z Cam reduces the price of their upcoming E2-S6 to $2,995 USD

Canon announces the full frame EOS C500 Mark II

Raafi Rivero’s Kinefinity MAVO LF Review

BMPCC 6K First Footage & Downloadable Clips

Are we seeing another change in direction for the camera market?

Another RED Komodo 6K Teaser

Z CAM E2C – World’s smallest interchangeable lens mount 4K 10-bit color cinema camera for $799

Canon C200 price drop

OCTOPUS CAMERA – Open Platform with Swappable Sensors

RED releases new DSMC2 Gemini Kit

Panasonic drops the price of the Varicam LT to $9,995

$5,000 off the Canon C700

Are we ever likely to see a great camera slowdown?