Audio Sound Devices A20-Mini digital wireless transmitter with internal 32-bit float recording Matthew Allard ACS 07/21/2021
Audio Sound Devices A-15PIN- allows you to use the A10-RX in Sony cameras with slot-in receivers Matthew Allard ACS 02/26/2021
Audio Sound Devices Scorpio & 833 v3.00 featuring MixAssist and CL-12 Integration Now Available 10/17/2019
News Excellence in Sound ’16 event: Pinknoise Sound Devices 633 3-Channel Expander Li-Lian Ahlskog Hou 08/14/2016
News Video Devices PIX-E Firmware Version 3.00 adds the H.264 codec, as well as the option to simultaneously record both ProRes and H.264. Matthew Allard ACS 05/26/2016
Features Orlando de Guzman explains how he records sound for Cinema Verite documentaries Orlando de Guzman 03/17/2016