
Sound Devices v3.00 firmware update for the MixPre series

Sound Devices has introduced a v3.00 firmware update for the MixPre series of audio recorders, mixers, and USB audio interfaces. MixPre v3.00 adds the following features and enhancements:

  • Support for third-party USB control surfaces
  • Ambisonic and binaural recording, monitoring, and playback for the MixPre-6 and MixPre-10T
  • Pre-roll buffer for the MixPre-3, MixPre-6, and MixPre-10T
  • Wireless control and metering for MixPre-M models from iOS and Android devices
  • ASIO drivers for MixPre-M models

USB Control Surface

Controlling a MixPre from a USB control surface offers a whole new level of flexibility and control. Four affordable third-party USB control surfaces can now connect to the MixPre and instantly control fader, trim (gain), pan, low cut, reverb, record, stop, and more. MixPre v3.00 supports the Korg nanoKONTROL Studio and nanoKONTROL2, Akai MIDImix, and Novation Launch Control XL.

Ambisonics Plugin

The new Ambisonics Plugin for MixPre-6 and -10T is another addition to v3.00. Field recordists, game developers, and VR content creators = requested a way to improve the recording capabilities of 360º spatial audio on the MixPre series. Sennheiser’s AMBEO VR microphone pairs perfectly with the Ambisonics Plugin. Other microphones and microphone arrays are also supported. MixPre Ambisonics features include:

  • A-Format, B-Format, and A- to B-Format conversion
  • Real-time binaural and stereo monitoring
  • Simultaneous recording of AmbiX, FuMa, LR Stereo, and LR Binaural

Sound Devices recorders have been used to create ambisonic field recordings for many years, and this new firmware upgrade brings MixPre recorders into this new world of 360º recording. The Ambisonics Plugin is available now at no charge from the Plugin Store.


There is nothing worse for a sound recordist than waiting for the perfect sound and missing it because they didn’t press record. Pre-roll provides a safety net and ensures all crucial audio is captured in the seconds before the record button is pressed. The MixPre-3 and MixPre-6 offer five seconds of pre-roll. The MixPre-10T offers ten seconds. This is a very handy feature to have in a mixer/recorder.

Wireless Control

Musicians recording with a MixPre can now view high-resolution meters and control record, stop, and playback remotely from their iOS or Android device. Sound Devices Wingman, a MixPre companion application, now communicates via Bluetooth Smart with the MixPre-M models and the MixPre-3, -6, and -10T running the Musician Plugin.

ASIO Drivers

MixPre-M models used as a computer audio interface with Windows OS computers are no longer limited to 2-input, 2-output and 44.1 and 48 kHz sampling rates. Version 3.00 works with the latest MixPre ASIO driver to offer multi-channel I/O (MixPre-3M = 5 in, 2 out; MixPre-6M = 8 in, 4 out; MixPre-10M = 12 in, 4 out) at sample rates up to 96 kHz.

Free and available to download now

The v3.00 firmware update for the MixPre-3, -3M, -6, -6M, -10M, and -10T is now available to download.

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