Tag: training

Blackmagic Design Editor’s Guide to DaVinci Resolve 18 now available

ARRI Certified User Training for ALEXA 35 | New York

MZed Pro: $299 US all-you-can-eat online filmmaking courses

X-Rite colo(u)r webinar: Free training to get the most out of your camera’s gamma and picture settings

How to shoot a piece to camera – guest post by Christian Parkinson

Vincent Laforet Directing Motion tour goes Down Under in July

DJI offering free new multirotor pilot training

Video advice from top DPs Janusz Kaminski, Phedon Papamichael, ASC and Wally Pfister, ASC on offer from Advanced Filmaking

Jem Schofield’s filmmaker’s intensive in Scotland aims to make you a better doc shooter

Video interview: Vincent Laforet on his upcoming Directing Motion tour – will it be useful for factual shooters?

The Filmmakers Intensive on documentary filmmaking in New York this August

January 2012 DSLR video training workshop at Jacobs

DSLR video novice and intermediate workshops at Jacobs in November

HDSLR training in the UK – second London workshop date announced

Dan Chung HDDSLR masterclass on June 8th at Jacobs Pro Lounge in London

Jacobs hold DSLR video seminars for photographers in London