Tag: Cine lens

Great Joy 50mm T2.9 1.8x Anamorphic Lens

ZEISS Supreme Prime 15mm T1.8

Meike 105mm T2.1 FF Cine Lens Review

SIRUI 75mm T2.9 1.6x Full Frame Anamorphic

MEIKE 105mm T2.1 FF-Prime Cine Lens

Laowa releases four new M4/3 Cine Lenses

XEEN 2x Anamorphic & Meister T1.3 Full Frame Primes Announced

Meike S35 50mm T2.1

Laowa 24mm f/14 2X Macro Probe now available in a Sony FE Cine Version

Sony FE C 16-35mm T3.1 G Cinema Lens

Hands on with the Kinefinity Mavo, Mavo LF and Mavo Primes

Tilt Cage Offsets for Freefly Systems MōVI by Ignite Digi

SLR Magic CINE 18mm f/2.8 wide angle full frame E-mount lens

Building a lens kit for the Panasonic GH5

Old made new – Leica R full cine-rehoused prime lenses from Cinescope and TLS

Samyang announce full-frame Xeen 20mm T1.9 cine lens

PhotoPlus Expo 2016: Sigma talk cine zoom pricing and confirm PL version will not come this year