Product: Kinefinity KineRAW

KineMAX 6K camera high speed footage from HDVideoshop: 4K at 100fps and 3K at 150fps

Video: HDVideoshop run through Kinefinity KineMAX 6K camera options

Kinefinity to bundle SCRATCH with all cameras worldwide

Film Cyfrowy test ISO and Rolling shutter on the KineMAX 6K camera

KineMAX 6K gets $8990 kit price, will gain Apple ProRes options in near future

Newsshooter NAB 2015 – Hands on with the new Kinefinity 6K Kinemax Camera

Kinefinity KineMAX 6K RAW camera: first photos and sample footage

DP and VFX Supervisor Rob Bannister talks about his experience with the 4K Kineraw Kinemini

BIRTV 2014 video: Kinefinity KiniMINI gets losslessly compressed RAW shooting and improved colour

NAB 2014 video: Have Kinefinity created a better Blackmagic 4K production camera?

Chinese KineMAX 6K RAW cinema camera development announced

Chinese camera maker Kinifinity announce 4K KineMINI hybrid camera system

IBC 2013 Teradek replay: HDvideoshop talk about the new KineRAW Mini

BIRTV 2013: KineRAW mini gains support for B4 ENG lenses, a 4K upgrade path, a handgrip and other firmware upgrades

NAB 2013 Replay part one: Talks from the Teradek booth with Blackmagic, Juiced link, KineRaw, Kessler Crane, and Teradek

NAB 2013: KineRAW MINI unveiled – 2K RAW for around $3K US

Matt Allard on trying new things: Kineraw’s S35 and collaboration