Atomos has announced a limited-time loyalty offer to owners of Atomos 7″ monitor/recorders where they can upgrade to a Ninja V+ Pro Kit.

The offer lets you save $500 (USD/EUR) with the purchase of a NINJA V+ PRO KIT. The Ninja V+ 8K HDMI/SDI Monitor/Recorder Pro Kit retails for $1,699 USD, so essentially you are getting it for $1,199 USD.
This offer is only valid for the following Atomos products:
- Shogun
- Shogun Flame
- Shogun Inferno
- Shogun 7
- Ninja Inferno
- Ninja Flame
- Ninja Assassin
How do you take advantage of this offer?

To take advantage of this offer and claim a $500 EUR/USD discount voucher you need to have a registered device at my.atomos.com. Read the full terms and conditions here.
The nice aspect of the deal is that you don’t have to trade your old product in, you can still keep it, all you need to do is create a My Atomos account and register a product on my.atomos.com to redeem the QR code Voucher for $500 USD/EUR off a Ninja V+ Pro Kit. The discount will be transferred into the exchange rate in the respective country at the time of purchase.
This deal is a limited-time-only offer and it will be available from the 20th August until the 30th September 2021.
ATOMOS GLOBAL PTY LTD also reserves the right to cancel the promotion if circumstances arise outside of its control – including but not limited to the subject of availability.
To learn more about the Loyalty Offer visit the Atomos Website.
What do you get in a Ninja V+ Pro Kit?

- Ninja V+ unit (RAW over SDI pre-activated)
- H.265 (HEVC) codec pre-activated
- AtomX SDI module
- EVA Carry Case
- 5″ Slip Case, Battery Eliminator
- International DC Power Supply
- 1 x Master Caddy II
- 1 x DTap Cable
- 1 x AtomX 5″ Sunhood

This is a good deal if you happen to own one of the older 7″ Atomos monitor/recorders, however, I can’t help but wonder why this offer wasn’t made available to owners of the Ninja V.
I also have a feeling that the Ninja V+ Pro Kit possibly hasn’t been selling particularly well because the main reason people would want to use it over other Ninja V models is for the 8K recording capabilities. That is currently limited to owners of the Canon EOS R5. The Ninja V Pro Kit is $949 USD and for a lot of shooters, this makes more sense than owning the Ninja V+.