
Newsshooter at CP+ Tokyo 2015 – Sigma 24mm f1.4 DG ART lens first look

By technical editor Matt Allard:

Today at the CP+ show in Tokyo I got my hands on the brand new Sigma 24mm f1.4 DG ART lens. It was being displayed for the first time on the Sigma booth and my first impressions were very positive. Build quality seemed excellent with a good size and weight balance. From what I saw the images seemed very sharp and more importantly the bokeh looked pleasant.

I was able to play with the lens on a crop sensored Canon EOS Kiss X70 DSLR. Sadly Sigma wouldn’t let me shoot any sample video on my own camera as the lens wasn’t a production version. Our friends at DPreview did get to shoot some stills with a sample lens and you can see the results here.

For more technical details about the lens check out my previous news story on it. At around half the price of the Canon 24mm f1.4L it already seems like it could be very popular.

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