NiSi announced its new Athena Prime cine lenses at NAB 2023. The Athena series are available in focal lengths ranging from 14mm up to 85mm and they all cover full frame sensors and image circles up to 46.5mm.
The focal lengths are as follows:
NiSi already has a roadmap to add an 18mm and a 105mm to the range.
All of the lenses feature a T1.9 aperture, apart from the 14mm which is a T2.4. NiSi claims that they all have very little focus breathing, and from my quick testing of the lenses on the show floor, and can confirm that to be true. All the lenses are the same size and weight, and they feature a 77mm filter thread which makes it easy to use screw-on filters such as variable NDs.
Along with being the exact same size, the aperture, and focus rings are all located in the exact same position which makes them easy to change out without having to re-position lens motors or re-balance a gimbal, etc.

According to NiSi, the lenses were designed to achieve maximal micro-contrast control and ultra-low chromatic aberration.

The Athena lenses are available in PL, Sony E, and Canon RF.
The Sony E and Canon RF mount versions of the lens feature a rear drop-in filter. This allows you to put in rear VND and other types of filters. This drop in filter is only compatible with NiSi’s own filters.
For the PL version you can screw on rear-mounted filters.

The Athena lenses aren’t the first Cine lenses that NiSi has offered under its brand. Way back in 2018, they announced the F3 prime lenses.
The new NiSi F3 prime lenses covered 46.5mm format sensors which made them compatible with a large range of cameras.
The lenses were the same lenses that were sold by Kinefinity under the MAVO name. NiSi manufactured the lenses and Kinefinity was just re-branding them.
Price & Availability

The Athena Prime cine lenses will be available in late June. They are priced at $1,098 USD, except for the 14mm which will be $1,198 USD.
You can buy 5 lens kits for $5,590.00 USD.
The lenses didn’t appear to have any chromatic aberration or onion ring bokeh. They have a very clean look and look to be a good, affordable option.