At Cinegear 2019 a new company called Gravity Labs was showcasing their Moxie iOS lens control system.

Essentially Moxie is a wireless motor that is controlled by an iOS app. It’s not the motor that makes the Moxie unique it’s the ability to use multiple keyframe points so you can not only set marks between focus points, but you can also record and replay focus transitions for consistent shots over multiple takes.
You can also program the system to make focus, iris, or zoom transitions at various time intervals.

Gravity Labs claims that Moxie delivers unmatched value by providing professional-grade quality and performance at an accessible price.
Like a lot of other wireless lens motors, Moxie uses an all-in-one design so there is no need for an external control box.

The Moxie doesn’t have an inbuilt battery, which I personally think is a mistake. The system is powered using a Lemo cable. What you can’t see in the demo is that another version of the Moxie is actually turning the lens and that is connected up to the camera to get power.
For an ‘affordable’ wireless motor this doesn’t make that much sense to me. A good proportion of users buying similar systems are often using cameras that don’t have Lemo power outputs.

Moxie can be configured for use with up to three motors to control focus, iris, and zoom from a single mobile device using the MOXIE App.
If you don’t want to use the app, Gravity Labs will have an optional 3-axis MOXIE Controller if you prefer a more traditional user interface.
It will face stiff competition
While I like the concept behind Moxi, it is going to be up against stiff competition from affordable systems such as the Tilta Nucleus-Nano and the Moza iFocus.
Price & Availability

Gravity Labs is about to launch a Kickstarter campaign to get Moxie off the ground. I was told that Moxie will cost $500 USD.