
Inter BEE 2013: Giant $130 egg timer? – The Yoshimi Camera Co. RoundLapse 60 mechanical rotating head for DSLR

By site editor Dan Chung:

Newsshooter at Inter BEE 2013: Timelapse 60 mechanical rotating head for DSLR from Dan Chung on Vimeo.

At Inter BEE 2013 Newsshooter’s Li-lian Ahlskog Hou checks out the RoundLapse 60 mechanical time-lapse head from Yoshimi Camera Co. The RoundLapse 60 appears to be a giant egg timer that can rotate the weight of a DSLR without external power. It might not be the most sophisticated time-lapse device but thanks to its low price point and small size I can actually see this gadget finding a place in my carry everywhere camera bag.

The Timelapse 60
The Timelapse 60

You can find the RoundLapse 60 at www.443c.com but you might need to read japanese!


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