
ARRI CCM-1 Ethernet Adapter provides Camera Control for AMIRA, Mini, Mini LF, & Wireless Capability

ARRI has announced a new CCM-1 Ethernet Adapter that expands the camera control possibilities for its camera control monitor.

Dual use alongside the MVF-2 on ALEXA Mini LF is now possible, as is camera control of AMIRA and ALEXA Mini cameras. You can even turn your CCM-1 into a wireless control device, which is ideal for ACs and DITs.

As the Mini LF, unlike the ALEXA 35, only has one VF output you can use the Ethernet Adapter so that you could utilize both he CCM-1 and the camera”s VF at the same time.

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The Ethernet Adapter attaches to the back of the CCM-1 using two small screws. A cable goes into the USB port on the back of the CCM-1 and then you attach a RJ45 to Ethernet adapter cable that you would plug into your camera.

For the ALEXA Mini and AMIRA, you won’t get the same camera control interface as you do with the ALEXA 35 and ALEXA Mini LF. You also don’t get full access to the camera’s menu either.

I couldn’t’ find the ARRI CCM-1 Ethernet Adapter listed anywhere yet for sale, so I am not sure how much it costs.

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