
eMotimo adds ‘Easy Mode’ to Spectrum ST4

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After feedback from users, eMotimo has added a new ‘Easy Mode’ to the Spectrum ST4 motion controller that allows you to get up and running as simple as possible.

This is a new mode so if you want to stick to the regular mode, you can still do so.

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What’s in Easy Mode?

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In ‘Easy Mode’, there are seven options for you to choose from.

  1. Basic Interview – (Simple A–>B setup)
  2. Tracking Interview (Multikeyframe interview where the number of keyframes set is determined by your slide length)
  3. Basic Move- 2 point, single pass move
  4. Tracking Move- single pass auto multikeyframe number
  5. Basic Timelapse 
  6. Tracking Timelapse
  7. Settings

Once you select your mode, you are guided through the shot setup process.

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