Bright Tangerine was showing their Prodigy Rain Deflector at Cinegear 2019 in Los Angeles.

The Prodigy doesn’t use any moving or spinning parts like a traditional rain spinner. Instead, it uses a compressor that pushes air down through a hose and then over a special piece of glass.
Before After
The air from the compressor is forced over the front of the glass at 300mph. Because of the pressure of the air, water gets removed before it can settle on the glass.

The only downside of the Prodigy is the noise that it generates. It is approximately 60db but it does have a different sound signature to your typical high pitched rain spinner though and sounds more like a hairdryer making it more tolerable..
Unlike when you use a spinner, you won’t get a dead spot in the middle of the lens if you are tilting your camera up or down. The other benefit is that if you are operating handheld you-you won’t be fighting a centrifugal force.
Price & Availability

Bright Tangerine said that the Prodigy will be available in November for around $3,000 USD. That price is significantly lower than other options that are on the market.