Bright Tangerine who are best known for their matte boxes have now stepped into the highly competive camera accessory market. They won’t be making accessories for every type of camera, instead they have decided to focus on a select few.
Popular cameras such as the Arri Alexa Mini and RED Weapon/Helium have been designed so that you need to add accessories such as I/O options, and power and mounting solutions to turn them into a workable solution. Bright Tangerine will now offer a range of camera accessories that cater directly to the Arri Alexa Mini and Red Camera range.
These new accessories will offer camera protection, triggering functions, multiple mounting points, signal splitting and powering options and a plethora of inputs and outputs. There are no specifications and little information currently available on these accessories. Bright Tangerine will debut the products at NAB and we will be able to find out more about them then.
Also making its debut at NAB will be a new Revolvr Atom, a smaller, more compact solution made to the same high standards as the Revolvr. The Revolvr Atom is streamlined version of the Revolvr and should come with a cheaper cost.
Bright Tangerine has also expanded its range of support accessories. These include new adaptor rings to support the Zeiss Otus range and the highly requested “Blackhole Mini”, applicable for lenses diameters ranging from 41- 114mm.
For Titan Arm owners, the company will also unveil a range of new anti-twist and rod adaptor accessories.