By site editor Dan Chung:

So, all the prep is done and we’re ready to go. Tomorrow sees the start of what looks to be another great show – if all the rumours are true – and we’ve got stacks of videos both live and prerecords. See the live schedule below and if you’re here, make sure you come down.
To view the live show here below or over here.
Here’s the schedule:
12:00-12:40 Pacific time: Blackmagic live Q&A with Bob Caniglia. Your chance to find out all about the new Blackmagic products. Hosted by Matt Allard and Dan Chung.
12:40-13:00 Pacific time: Robert Rozak of Juicedlink explains how to get the best audio out of a Blackmagic camera using a Juicedlink mixer
2:00-2:30 Pacific time: Kinefinity‘s Jihua Zhang talks to use about the new Kineraw 2K Mini RAW cinema camera.
2:30- 3:00 Pacific time: DP Jason Diamond talks to us about his latest work using the Blackmagic cinema camera
4:00-4:40 Pacific time: Is DSLR Video Dead? Our technical editor Matt Allard, FXGuide: The RC podcast’s Jason Wingrove, Paul Schneider and Rick Macomber discuss whether it is all over for DSLR video.
4:40-5:00 Pacific time: TBA – watch this space

Follow the team on Twitter:
Dan Chung: @dslrinformer ; Matthew Allard: @mattaljazeera ; Scott Karlins: @scottkarlins ; Phil Arntz: @philarntz ; Clinton Harn: @clintonharn ; Jonah Kessel: @jonah_kessel ; Rick Macomber: @boston_camera ; Mat Gallagher: @matgallagher ; Chuck Fadely: @NewspaperVideo