By Dan Chung
There were a number of new gadgets at the Canon Pro Solutions show this year. One of the most interesting was not officially on display but was brought along by the inventor James Smith. The Dslr-devices crane is a ultra compact jib designed for easy portability and light weight. It weighs a mere 1.5Kg (without weights) and is priced below £200. The crane is capable of moving a DSLR through a reasonable range. There are plenty of better built, bigger cranes on the market from established manufacturers but none that I have seen pack down into a backpack or suitcase for travel. The Dslr-devices crane may not have the best construction but I can imagine it being extremely useful for the solo shooter. In my ideal world I would like to see a better built ‘pro’ version which still kept the small form factor.

Video shot by Felix Clay and Sam Morgan Moore.