I’ve been using a Teradek Cube HD camera top transmitter for a while now but one thing that has limited its usefulness has been its sensitivity to WiFi interference. Well, the clever team at Teradek have now solved this in their newest version by supporting dual band WiFi. They have also fixed an issue where a stream from the 5DMkII would be broken by entering (or stopping) record mode – the 5DmkII functionality is also available on older Cube models via a firmware upgrade here. For my setup this means I can now use a Cube equipped 5DmkII B-camera during shoots and wirelessly monitor its output on my Ipad – great for interviews and long lens shots where a cable run is impractical.

They have also massively lowered the price of the basic Cube to $1199 and launched the 250 (HDMI) and 150 (SDI) with dual band 2.4/5.8GHz WiFi. The dual band allows for longer range and better handling of interference, often eliminating the need for a WiFi router. Also added is a USB port, allowing WiFi, 4G and Ethernet from the same box. Another improved feature is a mic level audio input with manual control and compression (while keeping line level audio in). As with other Cubes the new versions are also capable of streaming straight to livestream.com