
Newsshooter’s Erik Naso inducted into the Pacific Southwest National Academy of Arts & Sciences Silver Circle

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Newsshooter’s Erik Naso has been inducted into the Pacific Southwest National Academy of Arts & Sciences Silver Circle.

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The Silver Circle recognizes those professionals who have performed distinguished service within the television industry for 25 years or more. The Silver Circle was established in 1983, and nearly 300 Members have joined the prestigious honor roll.  

Gold Circle members have served the industry for 50 years or more. Gold and Silver Circle members are honored for more than their longevity — they are honored for making an enduring contribution to the vitality of the television industry and for setting standards of achievement we can all hope to emulate. These honorees also give back to the community as mentors, educators, and volunteers.

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Erik had the honor of being introduced by his wife Bridget Naso, who was a longtime anchor and reporter at NBC 7 in San Diego.

You can see Erik’s introduction and his speech above.

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Erik started his career at KERO-TV 23 in Bakersfield, where he became the Chief Photographer. Believe it or not, he also played lead guitar in a rock band!

The next stop for Erik was Arizona, where he briefly worked at KVOA in Tucson before being snatched up to join the newly formed ABC15 in Phoenix.

The next stop was Washington, D.C., where he worked in the Investigative Unit with Elisabeth Leamy at WTTG. Erik and Elisabeth won several Emmy Awards for their consumer investigative stories, as well as an Edward R. Murrow.

While D.C. is the nation’s capital, Erik’s dream city was calling. In 1999, he started in the news department at NBC 7 San Diego. He quickly moved to creative services, where he helped shape the station’s image and continues to work there to this day.

Flash forward and Erik has now taken home at least 20 Emmy’s in his career.

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Congratulations, Erik, on being inducted into the Pacific Southwest National Academy of Arts and Sciences Silver Circle. I know your family, friends, and colleagues couldn’t be prouder!

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